Oscarcast Joke Tally

The annual Academy Awards ceremony is always a good opportunity to gauge the current state of popular culture, whether through what movies are nominated and win, what the presenters and nominees choose to wear, or even by the commercials, which are generally regarded as among Madison Avenue’s most sophisticated.

This year, the host, comedian Jon Stewart, returning for a sophomore appearance, offered a snapshot of the State of Comedy 2008 through his monologue and interstitial remarks. Our editors have analyzed his appearance and prepared this scorecard which can be used as a guide to any amateurs out there hoping to “bring a little Jon Stewart” to their next family gathering or employee kaffee klatsch.

Observations: 7
Puns: 1
Insults: 11
Switcheroos: 0
Shaggy Dogs: 1
Ribald Verse: 0
Deliberately Mangled Delivery: 2
Physical Comedy, Slapstick, etc.: 1
Non Sequiturs, Absurd Humor, etc.: 1

Published in: on February 26, 2008 at 11:06 pm  Leave a Comment  