Obama Delivers Inaugural Address via Text Message

***Exclusive to The Old Yorker***

***Must Credit The Old Yorker in All Media***

In a startling move that delighted some but frustrated many, Barack Obama delivered his inaugural address by text message today rather than speaking it aloud as has been the custom for more than 200 years.

Shortly after noon, President Obama, wearing a dark suit and red tie, walked to the podium and asked the crowd, estimated by the United States Park Police at more than 2 million, to “take out their cell phones, pagers, or PDAs.” He then took a step back and remained standing silently on the dais for the next 25 minutes as his speech was transmitted in short bursts to the crowd and anyone elsewhere who was capable of receiving text messages.

The move, which seemed calculated to underscore claims of a generational shift, was a closely held secret among the president’s inner circle. There was considerable confusion on the Mall as on-lookers struggled to dig their phones and BlackBerrys out of purses and pockets or to read the speech over a neighbor’s shoulder.

Mr. Obama’s fondness for digital communication was a recurrent theme on the campaign trail. While his technophobic opponent, Arizona Senator John McCain, boasted at one point of not knowing how to use e-mail, Obama is very comfortable with the staccato rhythms and abrupt, nuance-free style of electronic media. His speech was littered with the sort of abbreviations (“u” for “you,” for example, and “h8trd” for “hatred”) and lingo (replacing plural “s”s with “z”s as in “biznizz” for “business”) that are a distinctive feature of cyberspeak

After starting off with the customary inquiry “hw r u?” the president texted his “fllw citznz” on a variety of issues of immediate concern to the nation including “d dire st8 of d econmy,” the fact that “r schls fail 2 mnE,” and “also r collective failure 2 mke hrd choices n prep d n8tN 4 a nu age.”

Although he generally steered clear of criticizing his predecessor outright, Obama said that other nations were “lol” at the United States for our failures to secure peace in the Middle East, our lack of clear progress in Iraq and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, as well as our unpopular strategies of unilateral “ngagemnt.”

(Former President Bush sat impassively throughout the speech without appearing to consult any sort of digital device. At one point, outgoing Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao leaned forward and seemed to explain what was going on, after which Mr. Bush pursed his lips and smiled slightly.)

Because of the lag in both download speeds and reading skills, bursts of applause seemed to come more or less at random, though a steady murmur of approval was sustained throughout the speech. And although Obama’s remarks were generally serious and sober, there were flashes of humor such as a flurry of winking emoticons which followed a passage on the “nd 2 put an Nd 2 partisan bickering.”

Although the text format denied Mr. Obama the use of some of the rhetorical gifts for which he is famous, by repeatedly sending the message “y, we cn!,” he was able to get the crowd chanting and finish strongly after a downbeat warning to the country about the hard road that lay ahead and the need for “shrd sacrifice ☹”

A source close to the new president said that if the texted inaugural address is deemed a success, Obama may deliver the State of the Union address, which will be given in just a few weeks’ time, via the Twitter service which limits messages to just 140 characters. “In this time of mounting crisis,” the source said, “The American people demand simple plain speaking. There is nothing clearer, simpler, and less subject to misinterpretation than a Twitter Tweet.”

Barack Obama Insults Dog, Jumps Shark

Reasonable people may differ as to when exactly the bloom came off the rose for Barack Obama. Of course, hopes fulfilled inevitably bring anti-climax, so it’s possible that much of the general public is now predisposed to find fault even where none exists. But surely few of his supporters, and I count myself among them, will deny that there has been much to deplore about Mr. Obama’s post-election conduct.

For some, the most dispiriting event was the unwelcome reappearance of the Clintonistas, returning through the revolving door that separates the public and private sectors for a last hurrah, a stale Hollywood plot line instead of the “Change from Beyond-the-Beltway” we were promised.

For others, Obama jumped the shark when he continued to send solicitous e-mail (still signed “Barack”), raising money almost as if by reflex, weeks after the election. (Allow me a quick “reply all.” Barack, if I may call you that, people don’t really want to be on a first name basis with their president even if they say they do. Being a young president does not mean you have to behave like a childish one.)

But, for me, the honeymoon ended when Barack Obama insulted my dog on national television.

The “Kimball Corollary” to “O’Neill’s Law,” which states that “All politics are local,” is that “All politics is personal.” (I prefer to regard “politics” as singular rather than plural – let the debate begin.) Last week, during an interview with Barbara Walters (another deplorable move), President-Elect Obama made cruel fun of my dog, gratuitously and without any sort of provocation. That’s when the sad fact I have somehow known all along really hit home: the Barack Obama who will sit in the Oval Office is not and cannot be the same man who ran for that office.

<a href=”The exchange in question took place as Ms. Walters attempted to sell the First Couple on her own preferred breed, a Havanese.

Obama: “Cha Cha?”

Barbara: “It’s short for Cha Cha Cha.”
O: “What is a Havanese?”
B: “It’s like a little terrier and they’re non-allergenic and they’re the sweetest dogs..”
O: [Face suddenly changes.] “It’s like a little yappy dog?”
Michelle: “Don’t criticize.”
O: “It, like, sits in your lap and things?”
M: “It’s a cute dog.”
O: “It sounds kinda like a girly dog.”
M: “We’re girls. We have a houseful of girls.”
O [with hand gestures]: “We’re going to have a big rambunctious dog, of some sort.”

Like Barbara Walters (which is something we are going to have to come to terms with at a later time), my wife and I have a Havanese. Manuel has all the classic dog virtues: he is loyal and affectionate, brave and (somewhat) obedient, and, if anyone tried to take him away from me, they’d have to pry him from my cold, dead hands.

The creation myths of the Havanese breed are various. As their name suggests, they are Cuban, but whether they came there first as the playthings of Spanish aristocrats or to bring joy to the laboring masses as circus dogs is debated. Some say they made landfall in the New World having crossed as shipboard sentinels watching for men overboard, a legacy that would make them unusually beloved among the non-swimming sailors of the day. Our dog still gives the alarm when anyone in our neighborhood dives into a pool or when, at the beach, anyone in his quarter-mile patrol zone is foolish enough to brave the waves.

By immemorial custom, the First Family must be dog owners just as they must be churchgoers and sportsfans. For Barack Obama to promise his daughters a new puppy if he were elected was a no-brainer, like promising them their own airplane or a new house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Once Wolf Blitzer called it on Election Night, the Obama family was getting a dog whether the kids wanted one or not.

The semiotics of dog ownership, for presidents and paupers alike, are equally well established. By saying that he wanted a “big, rambunctious dog,” Obama was trying to don the mantle of the “guy’s guy.” Big rambunctious dogs, through their genetic link to working and hunting breeds, establish one’s bona fides with the masses. Those toy breeds who don’t have to work for living probably belong to people who don’t either – or so the conventional wisdom would have it.

Of course, big, rambunctious dogs also imply that the owner is not gay which is important for Obama as he considers a politically radioactive repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” rules which stuck like flypaper to Bill Clinton during his first year in office. For what it’s worth, Barack Obama has risen very high in American life without, as far as I can tell, anyone suggesting he’s gay. I really think ghettoizing an entire species of dog is unnecessary overcompensation in that regard.

(By the way, the days of swishy interior decorators with a Teacup Maltese under their arm seem to me to have gone with the wind. Check out the Big Dog Run in Washington Square Park if you don’t believe me.)

To give Michelle Obama credit, she attempted to give her husband some cover by suggesting that a “girly dog” would be entirely appropriate for “a houseful of girls.” It was a nice try, but clearly Mr. Obama meant “girly” in the pejorative sense, not as an adjective denoting “nice for girls,” but rather to suggest a dog that lives in conflict with its own manly nature or the manly nature of dogs in general.

The focus group that sits inside Barack Obama’s head has mostly served him well. It has enabled him to take terrifying political risks with that icy cool that we all love and fear. But in this case, his inner focus group has steered him wrong. Making distinctions about dogs based on breed is nothing less than a form of canine racism and exactly the sort of thing many of us had hoped we were leaving behind on Nov. 3. Is a Newfoundland who tongue kisses his male owner and hides under the bed during a thunderstorm any less girly than a Chihuahua who barks at trucks and has the guts to try to mate with a throw pillow more than twice his size?

And, after setting a fine example by declaring that he would adopt (or “rescue” in current parlance) a dog rather than buy one, Obama is acting irresponsibly by getting a dog much larger than is practical for people in his zip code who don’t have a Rose Garden and South Lawn for it to run around on. Inevitably, one wonders who is going to clean up after the big, rambunctious dog leaves his big, rambunctious bowel movements scattered about the White House grounds? I suspect our new Commander-in-Chief will be commanding someone to do that job for him.

In the four years since he came into our lives, Manuel has watched over our baby, protected our family, comforted us in times of trouble, given us unconditional love, forgiven us our occasional negligence, entertained us, encouraged us to exercise, and provided us with a middle class tax cut. If President-Elect Obama can say all that at the end of his first term, then I’ll be interested to hear his opinion about my dog. But until then, Mr. President-Elect, how about a little less time disparaging dogs because of their breed and a little more time explaining why you voted for that $700 billion bail-out that didn’t work?

Thanks in advance.

Obama Team Mulls Role for Miss Lewinsky in New Administration

***Exclusive to The Old Yorker***

***Must Credit The Old Yorker in All Media***

President-Elect Barack Obama’s transition team is reported to be deeply divided over whether to offer a post to Monica Lewinsky, the former White House Intern whose intimate relationship with President Bill Clinton led to his impeachment.

Until now, Lewinsky was one of the few high-profile figures from the Clinton Presidency who had not been recruited for the incoming Obama team. Mr. Clinton’s brother Roger is another, though on Friday there were rumors he would be named ambassador to Spain.

One group, which includes David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s campaign manager who has been named his senior advisor, favors the move to balance the influence of the Clinton-era policy people by adding someone with a different perspective.

A second faction led by Mr. Obama’s Chief-of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is bitterly opposed believing that a Lewinsky appointment would needlessly antagonize the Clintons and their supporters. Before being elected to Congress, Mr. Emanuel served as a senior advisor to President Clinton.

Former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle, who is expected to be nominated as Secretary of Health and Human Services, responded to a reporter who asked about the Lewinsky rumors by pretending to receive a cell phone call. When the reporter took the phone from him and closed it while making a “we both know what you’re doing” facial expression, Daschle said that appointing Lewinsky would be “like rubbing salt in the wounds of Senator Clinton at a time when we’re supposed to be in a healing process.” He added that Miss Lewinsky’s presence in the White House would be “a huge distraction.”

But New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who broke with the Clintons over his endorsement of Mr. Obama, said that Lewinsky was “a fresh face” with “a lot to offer.” Richardson lost the post of Secretary of State to Senator Clinton and is now Mr. Obama’s choice for the far less prestigious job of Secretary of Commerce. “The Obama Adminstration should be focused on recruiting the best people to help us address the challenges of the future and not get bogged down in past history,” he said.

The Clintons themselves have not commented on the possibility of a Lewinsky appointment though people close to her have said that Sen. Clinton was shocked and appalled by the idea. “It’s a non-starter for her,” said Philippe Raines, a longtime aide to Sen. Clinton. “She doesn’t want to run into Monica in the West Wing ladies’ room,” he added.

However, Justin Cooper, who edited Mr. Clinton’s autobiography, My Life, and has remained close to the former president, said that Mr. Clinton was cautiously supportive of the prospect. “He’s always had great admiration for Monica’s abilities,“ Cooper said. “I think he’s just concerned that she might get in over her head if she were given a job as a political move.”

Since the scandal, in addition to her status as a pop culture icon of sorts, Lewinsky has had a brief career as a handbag designer and then attended the London School of Economics where she received a master’s degree in Social Psychology. Her thesis was titled “In Search of the Impartial Juror: An Exploration of the Third Person Effect and Pre-Trial Publicity.”

No decision has been reached as to exactly what sort of job Lewinsky might be offered. “With her background, I could imagine her doing something on either the jurisprudence side at the Department of Justice or on the handbag side, at either the Department of Commerce or the Department of Agriculture,” said Deborah Kaye, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who studies the Executive Branch.

Monica Lewinsky was not available for comment. Through her attorney, William Ginsburg, she released a statement, which read, in part, “I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve my country again at this crucial juncture in our history.”

Obamas Expected to have Sex in White House, Insiders Say

*** Exclusive to The Old Yorker***

***Must Credit The Old Yorker in All Media ***

In what is sure to be a controversial move, President-Elect Barack Obama has indicated to his inner circle of advisors that he and his wife may have sex in the White House sometime during the four years of his first term in office.

“He’s not saying they definitely will have sex,” said an Obama confidante who declined to be named, “But he’s not ruling it out. He’s also not ruling out having sex more than once.”

Although Mr. Obama himself is a regarded as something of a sex symbol, there has been surprisingly little speculation and rumor about the incoming First Couple’s romantic life. Longtime observers and friends regard both Mr. and Mrs. Obama as somewhat emotionally chilly. “From what I understand, it’s a bit like the Vulcan mating ritual, the Pon Far,” said outgoing Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean. “Barack will feel a seasonal urge that he knows rationally and logically that he is powerless to control. He will inform Michelle and she will attempt to satisfy the urge. Their schedulers work out the precise details.”

Although it was common for American presidents to have sex in the White House throughout the 19th Century, the practice has become increasingly rare in modern times. The last president believed to have frequent intercourse in the White House was Calvin Coolidge whose relationship with his wife, Grace, became intensely passionate following the death of their younger son from an infected blister.

The two Chief Executives most often associated with Presidential sex in recent years, Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy, did not have the sex they are famous for with their wives. Jimmy Carter, a former president known for a tendency to overshare wrote in his memoir, Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President, that he and his wife Rosalynn had intercourse once a year on New Year’s Eve “for five minutes with the lights off” during his presidency. Mrs. Carter disputed her husband’s account in her own memoir, First Lady from Plains.

With four large bedrooms, the First Family’s private apartment on the second floor of the White House is designed to accommodate whatever marital configuration the President and First Lady happen to prefer, according to Rear Admiral Stephen Rochon, the Chief Usher of the Executive Mansion. The President’s bedroom and the First Lady’s bedroom can be as close together or as far apart as they want,” Adm. Rochon said, adding that, as with many couples, sleeping arrangements are usually decided based on who snores. As for the possibility that the Obamas might share a bedroom, Adm. Rochon said he “could not see any reason for that.”

The Secret Service has already begun preparing for the possibility that the President’s tight schedule might be interrupted on occasion by a brief sexual interlude. The code phrase to indicate that the President (code name “Renegade”) and First Lady (code name “Renaissance”) are having sex will be “discussing the Bosnian problem” as in “Renegade can’t be disturbed right now. He and Renaissance are discussing the Bosnian problem.” In the event that President and Mrs. Obama are, in fact, discussing the Bosnian problem and not having sex, Secret Service agents have been instructed to say that they are “reviewing the Bosnian situation.” A spokesman for the Bosnian government could not be reached for comment.

Mr. Obama preferences with regard to birth control are not mentioned in either of his books, The Audacity of Hope and Dreams of my Father, though Michelle Obama has said on several occasions that she does not plan to have any more children.

Although Mr. Obama drew scant support form the Religious Right during his campaign, fundamentalist Christians would have no objection to the president having post-marital sex in the White House according to Focus on the Family’s James Dobson. “Intimate relations in the context of a different-sex marriage is just not something we have a problem with, despite what the liberal media would have you believe,” he said.

The news that President Obama may soon be having sex in the White House was greeted by his supporters with decidedly mixed emotions. “I’m a little glad and a little sad,” said Danielle Garcia-Robinson, a college student and Obama volunteer from Madison, Wisconsin. “I’m glad if he’s happy and feeling pleasure but deep down a little part of me will always wish he were having sex with me,” Ms. Garcia-Robinson said. Her boyfriend, David Nagel, echoed her sentiment. “That’s how I feel, too,” he said.

Obama Names Ayers to Cabinet Post

***Exclusive to The Old Yorker***

***Must Credit The Old Yorker in ALL MEDIA***

In what is sure to be a controversial move, President-Elect Barack Obama has announced that he will nominate Chicago-area activist Bill Ayers to be Secretary of Homeland Security in his new administration. Ayers, who became a lightning rod for right-wing criticism of Obama during the campaign, said that he was “honored and humbled” by his appointment.

Although he was never convicted of a crime, Ayers has admitted that, as a member of the radical Weathermen splinter group of the Students for a Democratic Society, he built and detonated a number of bombs during the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, after spending many years as a fugitive, Ayers has become a respected educator and community leader in Chicago. He is currently a professor at the University of Illinois.

In naming Mr. Ayers to the post, Senator Obama was careful to repeat that he knew the other man only slightly, having encountered him from time to time at various political events in Chicago. But the prospect of naming an actual former terrorist to the job of hunting terrorists and preventing terrorism proved irresistible, especially for an administration determined to make a clear break with inside-the-Beltway business-as-usual.

In a prepared statement, Senator Obama said, “There’s an old saying that ‘it takes a thief to catch a thief.’ If we are going to defeat the terrorists, we have to understand how they think and no one can do that better than Bill Ayers.”

The Department of Homeland Security is the third largest Cabinet Department in the Federal Government. In addition to guarding against terrorism on domestic soil, DHS, as it is known, is also responsible for protecting our borders and enforcing immigration policy and for responding to natural disasters. An Obama Transition Team insider conceded that Ayers would “probably be just terrible” at these other tasks but said that “he’s so good on terrorism, it’s worth it.”

Independent and academic observers have arrived at a consensus in recent months that the Department of Homeland Security is something of a unwieldy hodgepodge, created in haste in the wake of 9-11, and ripe for a reorganization. The appointment of a head with a narrow focus on only part of its mission could indicate that President-Elect Obama intends to break up the Department sooner rather than later.

One Bush Administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Ayers was a calculated “outside the box” choice intended to send a message that there was a new sheriff in town. But, he added, this sort of posturing has become something of a ritual when the presidency changes hands between parties. “I give him 6 months,” the official said. “After that, he’ll be replaced by a senior military officer, a career civil servant, or a former top legislator, which could be a mistake considering he’s not the sort of guy you want to
p— off.”

New and Improved Quotation for Today

“Yes, we can!” — Barack Obama before Jan. 20, 2009

“No, we can’t.” — Barack Obama after Jan. 20, 2009

Published in: on November 8, 2008 at 10:51 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Barack Obama’s Speech: An Assessment

Even his diehard opponents will admit that Barack Obama, for months the presumptive and, as of last night, the actual Democratic nominee, rarely puts a foot wrong along the campaign trail. While some have criticized his rhetorical style as bloodless and vague, it is clearly a choice, the result of a calculated decision by a remarkably intelligent politician with masterful instincts.

So it was surprising, to say the least, to see Obama make not one but a dozen or more missteps during what was, by media acclamation, the most important speech of his life.

First of all, while it must have seemed like brilliant idea to have the hugely popular Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps carry Senator Obama onto the stage, even a cursory rehearsal should have revealed that the best way for Phelps to do so was piggy-back not in an over-the-shoulder fireman’s carry. As it was, the first thing the audience saw of their candidate was his rear end. Even once Phelps began to walk toward the podium and Senator Obama began waving to the crowd, the entire procedure seemed ungainly and somehow undignified. That Obama slipped and almost fell when Phelps set him down didn’t help, despite the two men’s labored effort to laugh it off.

The Illinois Senator always looks sleek, fit, and clean-cut, as he did in Denver on Thursday night. But, in an apparent response to the flag-pin controversy from earlier this summer, his suit jacket was lined with a Stars-and-Stripes patterned satin, which he made a point of flashing on several occasions in a silly, showboat display.

The leather sandals were a poor choice of a different sort, not flashy, but seemingly a reference to Mr. Obama’s deep support among academics and intellectuals, a group he would be well-advised to distance himself from before the general election in November. It was an outfit befitting the mid-80s Elton John from the ankles up and a Bard professor on sabbatical in Morocco from the ankles down. Even a presidential contender who is campaigning on a platform of change, (one might say especially one who is campaigning on a platform of change) must know how to avoid distracting voters from his message with his wardrobe.

Perhaps Mr. Obama should get some fashion advice from his photogenic wife, Michelle, whose speech on Monday night was greeted with almost universal acclaim, and who looked elegant and cool — “First Lady-like” for lack of a better term — last night. However, surely the man behind her in the t-shirt with the faded image of the Zig-Zag Rolling Paper man could have been seated elsewhere rather than conspicuously over Mrs. Obama’s shoulder. Or, if he could not have been moved, at least he could have been asked not to spend so much time fiddling with his BlackBerry and then dozing. The Obamas’ two daughters looked poised and adorable, as always.

The corporate tie-ins are probably the aspect of last night’s speech likely to draw the most fire from late night comedians looking for a cheap shot. The lengthy PowerPoint presentation from Dennis Dinsmore, Invesco’s Vice President for Communications, that preceded Obama’s speech was little more than a sales pitch couched in manipulatively patriotic language. However, the stadium does belong to Invesco and, one supposes, a few trade-offs were necessary in order to secure the venue for the night. Mr. Obama’s ostentatiously placed Coca-Cola cup from which he sipped repeatedly (despite never appearing to break a sweat) was intrusive and less justifiable. Viewers have become used to seeing this sort of product placement on “American Idol” or during NASCAR races but this is the first time a nominee from a major party has plumbed the depths of corporate underwriting. (John Anderson, a third party candidate, did agree to allow his 1980 campaign to be sponsored by Chrysler – a publicity stunt that ultimately backfired for both Anderson and the carmaker.)

On a contrarian note, this viewer found the signs with “CHANGE” written on one side in white block letters over a black background and “CHANEL” on the other, which were distributed to the crowd and seem destined to become big sellers on eBay, amusing and clever. The Obama people can seem deathly serious at times and the prestige fashion brand’s participation was a welcome playful note unlike the repeated mentions of the new NBC Fall Lineup that the candidate was obliged (for a reported $10 million) to work into the speech itself. These were invariably forced and ham-fisted.

Before Mr. Obama had even left the stadium, mash-ups of different awkward moments from last night had already made their way to YouTube. For some, the most embarrassing incident occurred when a member of Obama’s Secret Service detail accidentally walked into a plant and fell off the stage just as the senator was describing the hardships of ordinary Americans; for others it was when singer Michael McDonald was heard using the toilet on an open microphone as Mr. Obama spoke about the challenges we face abroad.

But surely the introduction of the past five losing Democratic candidates, starting with the extremely frail George McGovern, who then rose to the stage on small disc-shaped elevators, would make anyone’s list of unintentionally amusing lowlights. There they were: McGovern, Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, and John Kerry, one more awkward and uncomfortable than the next, rising, giving a quick wave, and then being abruptly lowered again.

Any political speech has both text and an infinite number of layered subtexts. The dominant open question of the evening was how aggressively Senator Obama would attack his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona. Although he has largely eschewed the call-and-response cadence of the black church, in this case Mr. Obama played a verbal game with the crowd by inviting them to shout “Don’t ask and don’t tell!” in response to a series of rhetorical questions. “How,” Senator Obama wondered, “would John McCain cut taxes and lower the deficit?” “Don’t ask and don’t tell!” shouted the crowd. “How can John McCain cut our dependence on foreign oil without upsetting the oil companies who back him?” “Don’t ask and don’t tell!” And so on.

While the 80,000 people packed in to Invesco Stadium clearly enjoyed the audience participation, the implication seemed to be that, like so many politicians, Senator McCain has a secret homosexual past, a charge McCain appeared to take seriously enough to rebut by asking a 38-year-old former Playboy Playmate from Alaska (Jeff – check this before posting – bk) to be his running mate earlier today.

An appeal to pet owners complete with a lengthy description of what he would do, if elected, to improve the lives of America’s dogs and cats was an equally audacious gambit. It was effective, no doubt, for those who believe that government has certain responsibilities to all Americans, not just humans, while others surely saw the expansion of, for instance, a federal program to guarantee student loans for dog grooming school as needless pandering. Other elements of the speech were unequivocal disasters, such as a joke about invading Uruguay that fell flat and then drew an angry response from the Uruguayan government.

Though Obama has lately taken to having a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey (a “beer and a bump” as campaign manager David Axelrod calls it) before every speech, as part of an effort to burnish his Everyman credentials, the senator seemed utterly unimpaired last night. Gone was the weaving, stumbling, maudlin Obama who had stopped his motorcade to give an impromptu 2 A.M. lecture to a road crew repairing a water main in Billings, Montana only three nights before. In his place was a man who had clearly learned how to hold his liquor.

Finally, it must be said that how you felt about the speech depended in part on how you experienced it. Those who watched on television were barraged with constant restless cutaways to young women in the crowd flashing their breasts along with the morbidly obese couples in cowboy hats who are an inexplicable staple of all political conventions, Republican and Democratic. One brief shot of the crowd did appear to capture a murder taking place, though no body was found. Denver police are investigating.

If, instead, you had the privilege of watching the speech in the stadium it is likely that, despite the many miscues and errors, your eyes were filled with tears at the end. That politicians can still make us cry with joy, with sadness, with hope, with rage, or with an overpowering need to urinate is one of the most reassuring constants of our cynical age.

Published in: on August 29, 2008 at 4:09 pm  Leave a Comment  
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