The Mirth of the Mead-Hall: Classic Viking Jokes and Riddles

One day when Thor, the god of thunder and battle, was hunting boar in the forests of Asgard he became separated from the rest of the hunting party. Because Thor was the greatest warrior among the gods he had no fear of being lost but began to search for the others deeper and deeper into the woods.

In a clearing by the side of a brook, he happened upon Freya, the goddess of love and fertility, lying naked and writhing wildly in uncontrollable throes of ecstasy. Casting aside his weapons, Thor stripped himself and laid down upon Freya, thrusting his godpart deeply inside her. Almost immediately, he spent himself and, ashamed of taking the goddess unawares, departed quickly, before Freya could come to her senses.

A little while later, Freya, now rested and refreshed, opened her eyes and looked around.

“What was that all about?” she asked. At that moment, mischievous Loki, the prankster god, who had made himself invisible in order to have his way with Freya, said aloud, “I don’t know but my ass sure is sore!”

Published in: on December 3, 2007 at 10:00 am  Comments Off on The Mirth of the Mead-Hall: Classic Viking Jokes and Riddles  
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