Dirty Limericks about George Bush

It would be a unfortunate irony if, in pursuing our campaign to drive George Bush from office by means of a barrage of obscene limericks, we fell victim to the same hubristic errors of the Administration and failed to adjust tactics that are clearly not working.

To outward appearances, at any rate, George Bush remains comfortably ensconced in office, with no indication that he is even aware of our limerick campaign. So, while our overall strategy (to force George Bush to resign the Presidency by means of dirty limericks) remains the same, our tactics have shifted. The Old Yorker is preparing a “Limerick Surge” which will see an increase in both the frequency and the number of our poetic assaults.

We did not seek this conflict, Mr. President. But, now that battle has been joined, we shall not relent until total victory is ours!

George Bush, it is said, has a mission
To eat pussy as a form of nutrition
but with women he’s queasy
preferring ladyboy shehe’s
and a game he calls “Extraordinary Rendition.”

Published in: on December 27, 2007 at 10:00 am  Comments Off on Dirty Limericks about George Bush  
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Dirty Limericks about George Bush

Of the many things tiresome characteristics of readers of the Old Yorker, it is perhaps their impatience and their ingratitude which stand out as especially rebarbative. Since the moment the very first of our “Dirty Limericks about George Bush” was posted, with the stated intention of driving Bush from office through the use of an especially effective form of poetic ridicule, we have been receiving e-mail messages from readers asking us if we have been successful.

For the record, then, no, the Old Yorker’s dirty limericks have yet not forced President Bush to resign the Presidency and, when they do, you will probably hear about it, so there’s no need to keep pestering us with e-mail asking whether or not the president is still in office. Until you hear otherwise, you should assume that he is.

Like Democracy itself, reading the Old Yorker comes with both rights and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is not to act like an ass. One of the rights is to enjoy our cutting edge material on a regular basis. Here then, the latest of our “Dirty Limericks about George Bush.

There was a young fellow named Bush
Who liked to make love in the tush
One day a young lass
Asked, “George, why always the ass?”
Quoth Bush, “That’s what makes my dogs mush!”

Published in: on December 20, 2007 at 10:00 am  Comments Off on Dirty Limericks about George Bush  
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