There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 7


A ferocious squirrel went on the rampage in Germany this week, attacking three people before meeting its match in an angry 72-year-old.

Police in the southern town of Passau said the creature attacked a 70-year-old woman on Tuesday, sinking its teeth into her hand. It next entered a building site and jumped on a construction worker, injuring his hand and arm before he fought it off with a pole. A police spokesman said the squirrel then finally met its end – but it didn’t go down without a fight. “The squirrel went into the 72-year-old man’s garden and attacked him on the arms, hand and thigh,” the spokesman said. “Then he killed it with his crutch.”

He explained that experts thought the creature’s behaviour could have been brought on by the mating season, or it could have been ill.

Published in: on December 7, 2007 at 5:00 pm  Comments Off on There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 7  
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There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 6


A German woman has admitted she drove her son to rob a jewellery shop so she could make sure nothing bad happened to him.

Daniela Langer, 36, from Dresden, told a court: “He was determined to do it and I could not talk him out of it, so I offered to drive him there to keep an eye on him. I was worried about him.”

She said she found out what her son Marcel, 18, was planning when she went to a DIY store with him and he asked her to get him some rope and some duct tape – and told her to make sure she left no fingerprints on it.

Langer, a mother of five, said: “I could not believe it when he said what he was up to but I was so worried about what might happen to him that I went along to make sure he would be safe. “She admitted to driving him to the jewellers shop and acting as a look-out while her son and two other men broke in and stole £25,000 worth of jewelry.

The shop’s owner, Joerg Weyrath, 38, was stabbed during the attack and is recovering in hospital. However, the crooks and their look out were caught after they set off a silent alarm connected to the police station during the robbery. The trial continues.

Published in: on December 6, 2007 at 5:00 pm  Comments Off on There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 6  
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There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 4


A 53-year-old German woman who was driving her dead mother across country to save on mortuary transportation costs was fined by police for disturbing a dead person’s peace. “You’re not allowed to transport dead people in your private car,” said Ralf Schomisch, police spokesman in Koblenz, where the car was found after a tip-off from a mortuary. “The corpse was on the back seat without a seat belt, which in this case didn’t really matter. But it was covered up with clothing. It is a misdemeanor.”

Published in: on December 4, 2007 at 5:00 pm  Comments Off on There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 4  
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There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 2


A man accused of killing, dissecting and eating another man has gone on trial in central Germany. The court heard how horror films had fuelled Armin Meiwes’ childhood fantasies of eating school friends.The 41-year-old computer technician is charged with murder, even though the victim allegedly volunteered for his fate by replying to an internet advert. The gruesome incident was all captured on camcorder and the footage is expected to form part of the evidence.”I had the fantasy, and in the end I fulfilled it,” he said. The fantasy first developed between the ages of eight and 12, he added.

Mr Meiwes spoke of how he felt ignored by his father, and longed for a good-looking younger brother – whom he would bind to himself forever by consuming.It is Germany’s first cannibalism case, and the world’s media have gathered in Kassel to watch the proceedings. Television images showed Mr Meiwes – wearing a jacket and a tie – smiling and talking light-heartedly to his lawyer moments before the trial began. It was the first time that the self-confessed cannibal had been seen in public since his arrest.

The grisly details of the case caused a sensation in the German media when Mr Meiwes was arrested in December, 2002.In a recent newspaper interview he admitted that he had killed and then partly eaten his victim. Mr Meiwes advertised on the internet for a well-built male prepared to be slaughtered and then consumed. “Slim and blond, that would have been the type”, he told the court.

The victim, 43-year-old Bernd-Jurgen Brandes, answered the advert in March 2001. Mr Meiwes told investigators he took Mr Brandes back to his home in Rotenburg, where Mr Brandes agreed to have his penis cut off, which Mr Meiwes then flambéed and served up to eat together. Prosecutors say Mr Meiwes then stabbed the victim repeatedly in the neck and dissected the corpse.

Legally it is a tricky case, says the BBC’s correspondent in Berlin, Ray Furlong. The court will test if Mr Brandes gave his life willingly. Cannibalism is not a recognised offence under German law and the defence will argue that, since the victim volunteered, this was no murder. If the court accepts the defence argument, Mr Meiwes can expect a jail term of up to five years. But the prosecution will push for a life sentence on the basis that Mr Meiwes is simply too dangerous ever to be released.

Meanwhile, Germans will continue to be treated to a media frenzy that plays on the story’s unrivalled shock value. And among the “highlights” will be the two-hour video that Mr Meiwes took of the whole incident on his camcorder, our correspondent says.”The public probably won’t be excluded from this part of proceedings; we have a tradition of open trials,” says legal expert Felix Hardenberg. “But the panel of judges will show only the relevant parts: what the victim is saying and doing before and during the killing.”Mr Meiwes has said that after his trial he intends to pass the time in jail – if convicted – by writing his memoirs. The court will hear 38 witnesses and 14 sessions are scheduled in the trial, which is scheduled to end in late January. The case only came to light when an Austrian student spotted another advertisement placed by Mr Meiwes on the internet and alerted police.

Published in: on December 2, 2007 at 5:00 pm  Comments Off on There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 2  
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There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 1

BERLIN (Reuters) – A German left his dead mother seated in her favorite armchair at their shared home for two years because he could not face organizing a funeral, police in the southern town of Fuerstenfeldbruck said Friday.

Published in: on December 1, 2007 at 5:00 pm  Comments Off on There’ll Always be a Germany – Chapter 1  
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